
Simple Snake Game


I don't know why I can't post both website links together, but I have both of them right here. I really enjoyed working on this assignment and building websites. Of the two tools, we used I definitely preferred using the Oxygen editor for creating websites. I liked this one for multiple reasons such as, I felt like I was in total control of how my website looks and feels also I had so much more freedom to make whatever I wanted and could get really detailed with CSS and JS code in my website. I also just enjoy coding and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with a completed project. I really didn't like using WordPress. I have used Wix in the past to make a website and it turned out ok but WordPress doesn't give you any freedom to create with. I felt like I was forced to use templates and dropdown menus and the UI was very messy and unclear. I also found it a pain to go from one menu to the next and try to make something as simple as a text box felt way more complex than it needed to. However, I think this site would be very useful for someone who has zero experience with coding and HTML.